Finndai-Shiai   2025-03-08

Register competitors using Excel file. Download an empty file from here. Fill in competitors' data. In the first column Yes means competitor will participate while No means he/she will not participate. You can upload the file multiple times to correct possible errors. Registered competitor will be removed if Yes is changed to No. Competitor is identified by his/hers first and last name, club, and category. Do not change those but delete the competitor first using old data.
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My competitors

Download an Excel file with your competitors. Download an Excel file with your competitors since a year back.

Categories for men

CategoryMin ageAge underMin gradeMax grade
M215k-60-66-73-81-90+90 Avoin
M 18214k-60-66-73-81-90+90 Avoin
M 15183k-60-66-73-81-90+90 Avoin

Categories for women

CategoryMin ageAge underMin gradeMax grade
N215k-48-52-57-63-70+70 Avoin
N 18214k-48-52-57-63-70+70 Avoin
N 15183k-48-52-57-63-70+70 Avoin